
Watty株式会社 社长致辞


There is no border of Age, Gender, Nationality in order to work together at Watty. To share good health, well-being, education and decent work with good colleagues, we, all Watty, will accept various opinions and senses of values. No matter where we are, whether in-house or outside company, domestics or anywhere in the world, people at Watty will do the best to be more productive and more effective with responsibility to our customers, our alliance companies and partners. For sustainable contribution, Watty is going to try every possible means to invent a better future while complying Japanese laws as well as observing the regulations of each country.




一同在 Watty 工作,没有年龄、性别或国籍等界限。为了与优秀同事分享健康、福利、教育和有价值的工作,我们 Watty 员工接受不同的意见和价值观。无论我们身在何处,无论是公司内部还是外部,我们致力于提高生产力、效率,并竭尽全力为我们的客户、我们的提携公司和合作伙伴负责,做出可持续的贡献。 Watty将在遵守日本法律以及遵守各国法规的同时,尽一切可能创造更美好的未来。